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Madame Claude (1977)

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Where to Watch in




In the shimmering city of Paris, where wealth and power hold hands with lust and desire, resides the enigmatic Madame Claude. Her past, veiled in darkness, lends an enticing mystique to her present - the mistress of a high-end escort service. With an uncanny ability to cater to the most hidden of desires, she dispatches her stunningly beautiful courtesans to the four corners of the globe. From the penthouses of magnates to the chambers of political powerhouses, her girls cater to the carnal whims of men who control the world. But Madame Claude is not just a purveyor of pleasure. Her web of influence extends into the very heart of politics and big business, her manipulations shaping the destinies of those in her sphere. Yet, in the shadows, a threat lurks. David Evans, a photographer entangled in his own criminal past, seeks redemption by aiming his lens at Claude's empire. He attempts to expose the secrets of the influential, capturing her girls in compromising positions with their high-profile clients. 'Madame Claude' is a tale spun from the threads of truth, a sultry blend of erotica and intrigue. As the stakes rise, the question remains - can powerful men truly keep their secrets, or will they fall prey to their own desires? This international narrative explores the intoxicating allure of power, the price of pleasure, and the dangerous dance of deceit.

Where to watch Madame Claude?

Madame Claude is a comedy movie featuring Dayle Haddon and directed by Just Jaeckin.

Madame Claude is currently streaming for free (ad-supported) on Tubi TV and it's also available on Hoopla.